Pool Vacuum Cleaner
Pools should be kept clean to avoid the growth of pathogens and bacteria. In addition to chemical treatment, it is also important to remove any rubbish and dirt that gets into the water. Pool vacuum cleaners can help with the latter.
The simplest solution is the manual/hand-held vacuum cleaner, which consists of a suction head, a telescopic rod and a hose. The latter must be attached to the pool's spinner, so that the dirty water enters the spinner and only clean water can flow out. This type is a convenient solution for smaller pools.
A program-controlled semi-automatic pool vacuum cleaner is also powered by the pool's water rotator, which is driven by water moved by a water rotator. Although it saves a lot of work, the movement is not precise, areas may be missed and manual vacuuming is required for steps, corners and edges.
The perfect solution is the robotic pool vacuum cleaner, which cleans everything (subfloor, walls, stairs, ladders) down to the water level. The vacuum cleaner "works" with a motorised undercarriage system, rubber brakes, its own water pump, filter bag and a programmable automatic control system, which can be set for the size of the pool, the type of cover, the vacuuming time and the cleaning programme. The biggest advantage of a pool vacuum cleaner is that it does the work for you and ensures maximum hygiene.