Pool Winterisation
All the supplies and chemicals you need to winterize your pool. Protect your pool and its equipment from frost damage and algae in the water until spring. Winterisation should therefore be an essential part of your pool maintenance. Pool winterisation can be easily done at home. If you winterise your pool properly, you will find it easier to drain in the spring and save yourself a lot of work and water bills, as well as extending the life of your pool.
An ice float is an object floating on the surface of the water, whose function is to compensate for the increase in water volume in the event of freezing, thus protecting the pool walls from overpressure.
Winterising fluid
A special algaecide that can protect pool water from algae growth from autumn to spring. With proper summer maintenance and winterisation, the pool water can be used for up to ten years.
Winter plug
The pool piping system should be plugged to protect it from frost damage.
Which pool should be winterised?
All outdoor rigid-walled and constructed pools should be winterized with water. Not soft-walled, metal-framed, inflatable pools, which should be stored dismantled in a frost-free place, protected from rodents, fungi, dust..